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Tallahassee - Leon County Citizens United for Responsible Growth


To the Citizens United for Responsible Growth (aka CURG) email list. The most important thing of course is how to pronounce CURG. The current rule is with a soft C and G as SURGE this of course is optional. :-)

If you are subscribed your email address is currently on the list of people interested in development issues in Leon County. If this is a mistake please let me know and I will immediately remove you from the list. The information here should be enough to get you started. If there are any questions, please send them to me and I will answer them as best I can.

The email address to automatically send stuff to the entire group is Citizens United for Responsible Growth <CURG-List@curg.org> Of course you can create a nickname in your email software instead of typing in the whole address each time.

There are a few things you should keep in mind in using this list:

  1. If you reply to a message, your reply will go to the entire list of people.
  2. To subscribe or unsubscribe from this list, please visit the web page. These requests will be handled automatically.
  3. I am not your personal secretary. I do not edit messages for people, I do not forward mail for people, I do not subscribe and unsubscribe people. Instructions on how to subscribe and unsubscribe are on each and every message. If your system is not configured correctly to handle this, go to the CURG web site and follow the instructions there. Or look at the original email you all got when you subscribed or the list was set up.

    If you still have problems I am glad to help, but try it yourself first. If you want to be off the list just do it. If you want send a good bye message to everyone explaining your reasons, that is your choice. Just don't confuse the two.

  4. I can only guarantee that you will not agree with all the opinions expressed here. That is good, we all spend too much time talking to the same people. Occasionally people will be incompetent and send multiple messages. That is why you have a delete command key. Don't fill everyone else's mailbox complaining there is too much mail

    If you want to limit your source of information about Tallahassee-Leon County that is of course your right. But limiting your self to the highly selective stories and slanted articles of our useless local paper is choosing ignorance. This list is an alternative. If it is too much for you to handle then see the instructions above.

  5. EDIT your replies! Chop out all the extraneous stuff you are quoting so we don't get huge email messages. You only need to quote a little bit to make it known what you are replying to. The subject line itself is usually enough. You do NOT need to quote the last 10 messages on the subject, we all got them already. These long REDUNDANT messages take time to download. Lets conserve our fellow citizens time as well as our quality of life.

    When responding to a message on CURG-List, be sure to make clear to which message you're responding, either by excerpting part of the earlier message or summarizing/paraphrasing the applicable content. Also, when you're responding to a post of more than a few sentences, please do not include the entire text of the message to which you're responding so bandwidth is not wasted. Instead, excerpt a small part of the original message so that we know what message you are replying.

    I have implemented a filter to reject messages that have exceedingly long and unedited quotes. Expect to get rejected email if you do not take the time to edit as well as think about your messages.

  6. Sending attachments or files along with email messages is not allowed. Turn MIME html coding off in your mail preferences when sending messages to the list. Use ascii/plain text only. Older browsers do not support html MIME formatting, and these attachments and MIME html coding show up as garbage or extra text making it hard to read and your message will be ignored by most people.
  7. Please do not request a notification or return receipt for your message. This causes everyone on the list to attempt to respond to you. Further many bad (i.e. wrong) mail programs will respond to the whole list causing a big waste of everyone's time. I have attempted to block such messages and expect to get your message rejected if you do not turn this feature off.
  8. Please stay on topic. The people on this list are here to discuss matters relevant to CURG. Wandering off on your pet topic only annoys them and doesn't communicate your message.
  9. Do not post every message to CURG and to CONA. They are different lists with different foci. Many folks are subscribed to both and you are only filling their email systems with redundant messages. This will cause them to avoid reading it. Only cross post when you absolutely feel that reaching the last few 25% of the people is worth annoying the remaining 75%.

Despite all these warnings, enjoy! These are guidlines to make everyones experience here useful and enjoyable. There are many knowledgeable people and folks who want your input and opinion. Express yourself!

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For more information contact:
Scott Hannahs, Chairman, 668-0118, Fax 644-0534
Bob Scanlon, Vice Chairman

Curator: Scott Hannahs <sth@curg.org>

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