Tallahassee - Leon County Council Of Neighborhood AssociationsCONA is a grassroots organization focussed on the issues facing Tallahassee and Leon County Neighborhoods. We have just started a email notification list. Listed below are instructions of how to subscribe to CONAtalk. Please forward this information to your friends and co-workers. CONAtalk
CONA's - Power with InformationFinally an effective way to communicate with everyone interested in the Tallahassee and Leon County neighborhood issues.The CONAtalk discussion list is for members of neighborhoods in Leon County to exchange ideas, strategies and information about the issues and challenges they face. How does CONAtalk work?CONAtalk is an email discussion list where you can send information or messages to the list and your message will be sent to everyone else on the list.
How do I subscribe to CONAtalk?Send an email to: listmanager@curg.orgSubject: subscribe CONAtalk
How to I send email through CONAtalk?
Once you have subscribed to CONAtalk, (as noted above) the email address that
you will always use to send messages is: Other CONAtalk notes:If you don't want to receive each individual message, you can request digest versions. If this is your preference, subscribe by sending the following command to:Listmanager@curg.org Subject: subscribe digest CONAtalk.
To unsubscribe, send the following command to:
Other CONA contact numbers
Subscribe to CONATalk |