CURG - Resources
Land Use
- Leon County Residential Lot Vacancy Analysis - 2004 by Dr. Pamela Hall (pdf format, 0.18MB)
- Tallahassee Residential Sales Analysis - 2005 by Dr. Pamela Hall (pdf format, 0.56MB)
Water Quality - Lakes, Springs and the Aquifer
- Lombardo Report on Onsite and Sewage Mangement
- Water Resources Committee Review of Lomabardo Report
- Science Advisory Committee Report (Coming Soon)
- Wakulla-Leon-COT workshop on Wakulla Spring restoration (2009)
- NW FL Water Management Disctrict report on nitrate loading and Wakulla watershed, Chelette, Pratt, and Katz (2002)
- USGS report on nitrogen in ground water: COT Sprayfield and Wakulla Springs Davis, Katz and Griffin (2010)
- Wakulla and Spring Creek Connections - Preliminary USGS Report by Hal Davis
- Septic Tank Performance in Karst Harden 2008
- Wakulla County Septic Tank Study Phase 2 Final Report Hardin, Chanton, Hicks and Wade (2010)
- Leon County Aquifer Vulnerability Analysis (LAVA) Report and Map with septic tanks
- Cost of sewer analysis by John Buss
- Florida DOH changes including septic tanks adopted March 2012
- Concept paper on decentralized wastewater treatment (2001)
- Map of stormwater standards in Leon County and COT (2007)
- Pictures of the Miccosukee Lake sinkhole (2010)
- Stormwater Treatment Report for FDEP Harper, 2007
- Book by Dr. R. J. Livingston "Atlas of Impacts of Urban Runoff on North Florida Lakes" (Flyer)
Waste Water
Storm Water
Energy Policy and Information
- Greenhouse Gas Footprint of Methane Use and Production
- CURG Position Paper: Powering Tallahassee
- Nature Article on Plasma Arc Waste Gasification (pdf format, 0.75MB)
- Electric power Info
- Tallahassee Power Projections 2004 to 2013
- The Renewable Energy Policy Project
- Provisions in the 2005 Federal Energy Policy Act
- A nice chart comparing mercury, particulates, SO2 etc. on page 6. Further on there is more info about other metals and problems.
- Description of a Coal Gassification Plant including emission comparisons to other types of plants.
- Dept. of Energy info on coal gasification.
- Wind Power Resources in the US (2003 Stanford study by Archer and Jacobsen J. Geo. Res.)
Development Proposals
- Chason Woods
- Fallschase
- DRI Proposal for Fallschase as of 11/28/05 with Exhibits and diagrams (pdf format, 1.9MB)
- DRI Proposal for Fallschase as of 11/22/05 (pdf format, 0.2MB)
- DRI Proposal for Fallschase as of 11/15/05 (pdf format, 0.2MB)
- Chronology of the Fallschase Development 1973 to Sept. 12, 2003 by Bob Rackleff, Leon County Commissioner. (pdf format, 0.2MB)
- Staff Analysis fo 9/28/2005 Proposal (pdf format, 0.3MB)
- DRI Proposal for Falls Chase as of 9/28/05 (pdf format, 0.1MB)
- DRI Proposal for Falls Chase as of 9/23/05 (pdf format, 0.2MB)
- DRI Proposal for Falls Chase as of 8/29/05 (pdf format, 1.1MB)
- DRI Proposal for Falls Chase as of 8/5/05 (pdf format, 0.16MB)